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Best Cat Food for Sensitive Stomachs: 2021 In-Depth Buyer’s Guide

Best Cat Food for Sensitive Stomachs: 2021 In-Depth Buyer’s Guide

Unfortunately, many cat owners believe that all cat food is created equal which is why people often fail to check a pet food’s ingredients. Surprisingly, many leading products contain low quality ingredients that can cause digestive upset. If your feline is experiencing digestive issues it can be due to a […]

Best Cat Harnesses: Complete Buyer’s Guide for 2021

Best Cat Harnesses: Complete Buyer’s Guide for 2021

Choosing the best cat harnesses for your feline will allow your cat to enjoy the great outdoors, safely. A harness that fits well will keep your pet comfortable and safe when you’re walking him or her around the yard or neighborhood. But since there are so many popular models currently […]

How to Keep Cats Entertained While You’re Working

How to Keep Cats Entertained While You’re Working

As a working professional, you may struggle with saying goodbye to your favorite felines every morning, especially if you can’t figure out how to keep cats entertained while you’re working and often come home to shredded toilet paper, or even worse, inappropriate elimination. Cats need mental and physical stimulation, daily. […]

Best Cat Nail Clippers: 2021 Buyer’s Guide

Best Cat Nail Clippers: 2021 Buyer’s Guide

Trimming a cat’s nails is a grooming task that every cat owner dreads, however, using the best cat nail clippers can go a long way toward making it a task that’s fast and simple, on both you and your cat. If you’ve tried cat nail clippers in the past and […]

Best Outdoor Cat House: Leading Models & 2021 Buyer’s Guide

Best Outdoor Cat House: Leading Models & 2021 Buyer’s Guide

Do you often feed the local stray and feral cats and you’ve become concerned that they’re left out alone in harsh weather conditions? Feral cats often hide in dark, warm places in cold weather conditions, but in freezing temperatures, they may not survive without your help. The best outdoor cat […]

Best Cat Scratching Post: Buyer’s Guide for 2021

Best Cat Scratching Post: Buyer’s Guide for 2021

Cats have very sharp claws that they need to file down to prevent breakage and to keep the nails sharp and short. Cats have a natural instinct to scratch, so trying to break them of shredding the furniture can be a real uphill battle. So, how can you save your […]

Go Pet Club 35-Inch Cat Tree Review

Go Pet Club 35-Inch Cat Tree Review

Pet owners who are looking for a cat tree designed for younger, or more active cats will appreciate everything the Go Pet Club cat tree has to offer. Go Pet Club is a company that produces higher end cat trees, models that are designed to last and can easily withstand […]

New Cat Condos Premier 7' Tall Cat Playground Review

New Cat Condos Premier 7′ Tall Cat Playground Review

This cat tree by New Cat Condos, the Premier is a seven-foot tall themed model that’s not only eye-catching, it’s also incredibly durable, easy to clean, and equipped with all of the bells and whistles your cats are sure to love. Our Verdict: This is a top of the line […]

Kitty Mansions 78 in. Amazon Cat Tree Review

Kitty Mansions 78 in. Amazon Cat Tree Review

This is a massive themed cat tree by Kitty Mansions. The Amazon is loaded with both sleep and play spaces, featuring an impressive vertical height that makes it a great choice if you’re tight on space. The durable construction combined with the sisal covered scratching posts makes this model one […]

Do Cats Understand No: A Guide to Training Your New Cat

Do Cats Understand No: A Guide to Training Your New Cat

Training a cat is nothing like training a dog, in fact, many people aren’t even certain that training a cat is possible, but it is. Cats tend to have an almost aloof attitude towards their owners at times. They don’t listen as well as dogs, and some cat owners aren’t […]

SONGMICS 67” Multi-Level Cat Tree Condo Review

SONGMICS 67” Multi-Level Cat Tree Condo Review

In a multi-cat household, territory needs to be split up fairly. This means each cat should have their own perch or covered sleeping area. This allows felines to establish their pecking order, while also giving them a safe and secure place to rest. Fortunately, this multi-level cat tree by SONGMICS […]